This job has been closed. The details are for viewing purposes only.
Vacancies 50
Last Job Ad Activity: May 30, 2021
Apply Until: Jun 28, 2021
Job Description
- Perform a variety of tasks for the employer and family members such as cleaning of living room, dining room, bedrooms, toilet and kitchen
- Washing and ironing clothes, linen and fabric.
- Prepare hot and cold meals/food, providing food and beverage service.
- Providing care and support to infants, toddlers, children, elderly and people with special needs
Applicants with no work experience are welcome to apply.
Candidates must be at least a high school graduate.
Candidates must be at least 23 years old.
Female applicants are preferred for this role.
- Ex-abroad applicants who completed previous contracts are preferred.
- Applicants who speak good English and Arabic are given priority.
- Preferably with valid passport and TESDA NCII in Domestic Work
Principal / Employer
Al-Durra For Manpower
Principal / Employer Address
DMW (formerly POEA) Registration / Accreditation No.
Placement Fee
This job has no placement fee.
DMW (formerly POEA) License No:
Suite 102 & 701, Ermita Center Building, 1350 Roxas Boulevard Ermita, MANILA, Metro Manila, Philippines