DMW (formerly POEA) License No.: DMW-084-LB-05052023-R  - License Valid from Jun 05, 2023 to Sep 05, 2026
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Philippine-RN Recruitment Agency, Inc. is a duly licensed recruitment agency per POEA license P002-LB-090803-UL and is an exclusive affiliate of Worldwide Resource Network, Inc. a full-service international and placement company headquartered in North Carolina, U.S.A. Philippine-RN and Worldwide-RN work together as a team to attract the best and brightest manpower pool from the Philippines for various types of overseas jobs. We are dedicated to finding the optimum match for both our recruitment candidates and our sponsoring organizations.


Philippine-RN primarily focuses on providing quality professionals and highly skilled workers from the Philippines for full-time employment of 1 to 3 year assignments in Healthcare, Information Technology, Engineering, Construction, Tourism and Banking, where reasonably permitted by law.


Our range of services includes:

1) Manpower supply service package;

2) Obtaining job requirements from employer;

3) Preliminary interviews, technical interviews, and outsourcing for trade testing in accordance with specification;

4) Outsourcing for comprehensive medical examinations and psychological testing of selected candidates;

5) Background investigations of selected candidates to verify credentials and qualifications and adsence of criminal record;

6) Following up on selected candidates' certification/test requirements and credential evaluations;

7) Processing of work contract and travel documents with POEA and DFA;

8) Processing of Entry/Work visa screening with respective consular officer;

9) Travel booking and arrangements;

10) pre-departure orientation seminar and housing assistance, if needed;

11) Philippine-RN with its latest innovation it can facilitate/monitor Live Interview between the Employer across the globe and the Applicant anywhere in the Philippines.


In the Philippine-RN website it provides a one-page Reference Guide to be distributed to all of our Applicants and Employers on how to use, access and navigate the Video Conferencing. Philippine-RN just recently made a hefty investment in an Interactive Recruitment Information System (IRIS) software in addition to improving our communications infrastructure such as upgrading to a dedicated lease-line, installation of a web server, parrallel backup servers, and investments in UPS (uninterruptible power systems).


IRIS is an easy to use internet browser-based application designed to manage the entire manpower recruitment processes. It allows our Accredited Employers to easily access applicant information anytime and anywhere across the globe. IRIS keeps track of the following recruitment information: Personal Info, Family Info, Educational Info, Empl oyment Record, Skills Inventory, Interview Report, Training Evaluation, Deployment Record, Amount Paid, Guarantors, Complaints, Host Country Report and Status Report. And more importantly, it allows the job seekers to check the status of his application anytime. For information about our sevices, please call our Philippine office, visit our website or send us an email.


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