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Here are some successful applicants that got their jobs through!

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Thank you I keep posting my resume and applied for a job through website. A lot of agencies invited me for an interview. Luckily a nearby Agency invited me for an Interview. The staff are nice, good approach and give importance to the applicants. Now I'm waiting to my departure. Thanks God! God bless to all.

Guilipa , Ilex Saso Saso

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Thanks for posting my resume at Now I'm working here in Australia for 4 years. And I'm looking forward to become an Australian citizens. Good luck to my fellow job seekers. Wishing all of you the best in the near future.

Demetrio Son

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I am thankful to because one of the agency in your website found my resume and they invited me for an interview. I'm happy because I passed the interview and almost two months now that I'm here in saudi arabia as document controller at durma power.

Legaspi , Franklyn Aragon

Document Controller
Testimonial default image serves as a tool for me to achieve my goals. I have been a member since long time, but evening of March 2013 when a post from I-Rekrut Manpower stating that OMAN is in need of Staff Nurse. By chance I submitted my application and the morning after the agency contacted me. Thanks Continue to be a medium to everyone on reaching their goals in life


Staff Nurse
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I'm very thankful for getting my job thru, I personally applied many agency maybe 10 agency but it's not a lucky one for me my plan is to apply canada but the luck is not mine and i saw an agency here in that hiring asap for australia and the next day I rush to go cubao to apply on that agency but unlucky they need an IELTS to pass that the imposible to me to pass since I never finish my first year high school so I go home that nothing happens but I never give up so I go to website again and instead of looking agency I sign-up and post my info my work experience post my COE and most of all I honestly put the true of all my coe and a couple of day I recieve emails and call from my cp from varius agencies and the one that attract my attention is from SACRED HEART INTERNATIONAL AGENCY that they are hiring mason bound to New Zealand and ask me if I'm willing to attend a seminar and breafing and bring all my xerox copy of my papers, so I go to their office in ermita and attend that seminar and check all there info if they are license from POEA and that day, after the seminar, I forwarded all my ducuments to them. Lucky I'm one who benefits the service so it's not imposible to as to win our goal if we don't surrender no one can tell what is our destiny if we do our best and specially honesty.

Michael Gatela

solid plasterer/mason

Showing 316 to 320 out of 687 success stories

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